Dire Dawa Agriculture, Water, Mines and Energy Bureau
Dire Dawa Agriculture, Water, Mines And Energy Bureau
The bureau will undertake action to implement the sector’s policy , strategies and programs pertinent to agriculture, water, mine and energy development through integrating the efforts of the other development actors, thereby to ensure the food security of the communities and render necessary support for the economic sectors of the Administration.
To create a modern agricultural system that uses advanced technology to achieve high levels of productivity and to expand productive non-agricultural employment opportunities based on sustainable natural resource development to reduce the risk and vulnerability of the consumer community.
Core Values
we will:
Serve the agricultural communities and the bureau customers to their desire
Work transparently and honestly,
Make ourselves ready to enable the communisis,
Give value for time and resource,
Strengthen mutual cooperation and support,
Be accountable for our decision and actions,
Take and carry responsibility